Getting color produced for the series "Dieu le veut" Jean Pierre Saggesi, published AElements comics..
Technique: computer graphics palette.

Each application is treated specifically. Upon receipt of your specifications, an estimate will be quickly emailed for my services as a graphic designer.
Getting color produced for the series "Dieu le veut" Jean Pierre Saggesi, published AElements comics..
Technique: computer graphics palette.
Test colors for the project Ringhorn of [AE comics> http://www.aelementcomics.com] designed by JH Wzgarda.
Test for a project whose name I forget. If the designer goes through here that make me a sign. I correct this deplorable oblivion.
Colorization for various comics fanzine RAMACI, drawings made by A-Seed.
Various colors made for the fanzine RAMACI. Drawing by VHS.