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Designer, illustrator in Bretagne

Various illustration

Digital painting done for the ninth age T9A.

9th age Wood Elve: Illustration for the "fantasy Battle the 9th age" project : : : : : : : : : :

Illustration for children.

Selection of illustrations for children, or the theme of childhood. Various techniques.

European children: Illustration for ECOG: European Childhood Obesity Group Tiger: Tales for children. Chick: Vinci bear: Illustration for the business card of a therapist for children. Fairy: Children at the bus stop: Educative illustration Elephant: Tales for children. The devil: Chichatutu: Tales for children Fairy: Illustration done for the website Chinese dumpling: :

Pen drawings

Selection of illustrations done in ink.

Invitation theater play: Musician: Illustrations for card Depression Switzerland: Book cover The 3 Little Pigs: Poem illustration: Arthur Rimbaud, Le bateau ivre Poem illustration: Arthur Rimbaud, Le bateau ivre

Drawing Accademie

Produced in large format, in a realistic style. (Pencil or felt).

Naked: quick sketch. Drawing analysis: Large format Perspective: Large format, Paris opera Portrait: